zentangle wish you were here
pen & ink
art 120 - tavonatti
Everything in this image is symbolic of Pink Floyd's song. "Wish You Were Here". I got stuck on what to put in the middle of the image, but then I thought of the "sands of time" and "ripples in time" merging/colliding together, the labyrinths sort of mimicking water ripples underneath the fish. The fish I absolutely LOVED drawing and working on, however finding the themes throughout this piece was pretty challenging, and it at times got a little frustrating. I listened to the song over and over again trying to find little "Easter eggs" I could use in the piece. I ended up going with different versions of "time" symbolizing years/seasons passing, numbers on a clock, day and night. I've never done a zentangle piece before so coming up with the different patterns and was challenging. I've wanted to do a "Wish You Were Here" piece for YEARS, and attempted it a few years ago, but didn't think it really matched my vision. I actually like how this one turned out.

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glass half full
oil on canvas
art 189 - cummings-sumner
I wanted to give the effect of the glass appearing in a sort of dark void. I want the viewer to ask is the glass half full or is it half empty, especially given the past years course of events.

See this artwork in the Still Life Exhibition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★