Spirit of the Pear
oil paint on canvas pad
ART 189 - cummings-sumner
This was our first painting assignment, to paint one piece of fruit. I've seen that pears are the chosen item for beginning art students, but I found out that I never actually drew or painted one before. Although it is a simple object, I am proud of this painting being my first one using this medium. Turned out "majestic" in my opinion. A classmate titled it "Spirit of the Pear" due to the shadow displaying a similar appearance to its owner, and I think it suits it well.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chemistry at Home
oil paint on canvas pad
ART 189 - cummings-sumner
This assingment is called Glass Half Full. It was fun to paint since the glass containers with liquid distort the background. I am currently taking chemistry and we have to do our experiments at home, so we had some glass equipment. I thought it would be interesting since the flask has a bulbous figure, as expected, it created amusing shapes. It is also a personal statement. Studying chemistry at home is a challenge and, fortunately, I am staying upfloat. It is a glass half full situation.

See this artwork in the Still Life Exhibition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charcoal and graphite
ART 182 - falb
On this assingment we worked on drawing a furry animal and I took the opportunity to draw my cat Fenix. As I was cleaning my desk, he jumped on it and posed next to my lamp and I captured the moment. I was experimenting with techniques that our professor mentioned, which is to use shaved graphite to create the shadows. However, since the background was dark, I used charcoal instead and used a paint brush to spread it. I've never tried it like this before and I liked the method, something I will surely continue to use. Now I have lovely drawing of Fenix.

See this artwork in the Awards Exhibition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Study on Ellipses
Art 182 - falb
Ellipses are intriguing and challenging. They are from one of the primary shapes, yet always changing its form when the perspective shifts. It is symmetrical and there should be no pointed ends although you may not focus on those details at first glance. This shape is everywhere and our task was to learn how to conquer it. In this assingment we drew objects with ellipses. We left our drafts and sketches on the drawing's background, because it is interesting to see all those adjustments done to satisfy the ellipse.

See this artwork in the Still Life Exhibition.